Credential Reuse Attack

Credential Reuse Attack 

One of the more notable credential reuse attacks is the 2019 Dunkin’ Donuts breach — which, unluckily for the East Coast chain, happened to be their second hack in two months. This time around, the threat actors went so far as to sell thousands of accounts on the dark web. This included users’ credentials — including their usernames and passwords — to the highest bidder, who could then try them across other consumer websites until they got a hit.

What you need to know: Credential reuse is a pervasive issue across any company or userbase. Nowadays, most users have tens (if not hundreds) of accounts, and are tasked with remembering countless passwords that meet all sorts of stringent requirements. As a result, they’ll resort to reusing the same password over and over again, in the hopes of better managing and remembering their credentials across accounts. Unsurprisingly, this can cause major security issues when said credentials are compromised.


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