DoS Attack

 DoS Attack 

Almost two decades ago, a 16-year-old hacker known as Mafiaboy launched one of the most famous denial-of-service (DoS) attacks that took several major sites offline, including CNN, eBay, Amazon and Yahoo. According to reports, Mafiaboy broke into dozens of networks to install malware designed to flood targets with attack traffic. Because many sites were underprepared for such an assault, the attack lasted about a week as the targeted organizations struggled to figure out what happened and how to get back online. Mafiaboy was eventually arrested and sentenced to juvenile detention. Twenty years later, DoS attacks (many of which are DDoS) continue to be on the rise and are some of the most common attacks faced by organizations, targeting around a third of all businesses.

What you need to know: A DoS attack is where cyberattackers make a machine or network inaccessible for its intended users. DoS attacks can be executed by either flooding networks with traffic or by sending information that triggers a system slowdown or complete crash. As with DDoS attacks, DoS attacks tend to focus on highprofile organizations or ones with popular, public-facing websites such as banking, ecommerce, media or government institutions. DoS attacks deprive legitimate users of the service they want to access and cause extensive damage to the victim, due to security and cleanup costs, loss of reputation, loss of revenue and customer attrition


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