Insider Threat Revenge.

 Insider Threat Revenge. 

It’s a tale as old as time. In 2022, an IT specialist was charged for allegedly hacking the server of a Chicago healthcare organization. He’d had access to the server because he’d been a contractor, and he had a motive. He’d been denied a job at the organization, and a few months later, he was fired by the contracting IT firm. This act of individual retaliation resulted in a cyberattack that dramatically disrupted medical examinations, treatments, and diagnoses for many patients.

What you need to know: An insider threat attack is a malicious assault carried out by insiders with authorized access to an organization’s computer system, network, and resources. In this assault, attackers often aim to steal classified, proprietary or otherwise sensitive information and assets, either for personal gain or to provide information to competitors. They might also try to sabotage your organization with system disruptions that mean loss of productivity, profitability, and reputation.


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