IoT Threats

 IoT Threats 

After a data leak exposed the personal information of over 3,000 users of Ring, a home security provider owned by Amazon, hackers took advantage of the leak and hijacked video doorbells and smart cameras in people’s homes. In a 2020 class action lawsuit, dozens of people say they were subjected to harassment, threats and blackmail through their Ring devices. Researchers say these documented attacks are just the tip of the iceberg, since Ring sold more than 1.4 million video doorbells in 2020 alone. Ring has since introduced end-to-end video encryption to help protect against future hacks, but with the increasing ubiquity of IoT devices, this won’t be the last of these kinds of attacks.

What you need to know: There are an estimated 13.1 billion connected IoT devices globally — a number that is projected to increase to 30 billion by 2030. These devices often lack security infrastructure, creating glaring vulnerabilities in the network that exponentially grow the attack surface and leave it susceptible to malware. Attacks delivered over IoT devices can include DDoS, ransomware and social engineering threats.


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